Wednesday, June 3, 2009


Most of you know that Jon and I have chosen to do a natural, in-home childbirth. I wanted to share this book, along with my review, because this is the method we will be using. I'm sure everyone has heard of Lamaze. The huffing and puffing and the "breathe!". Its main focus is teaching you how to deal and cope with pain. The big difference with Hypnobirthing is is to teach you to that childbirth doesn't have to be painful at all. It teaches calm breathing aimed toward the mothers ultimate relaxation. Hypnobirthing picks up where so many birthing techniques, like Lamaze, fall short. It literally teaches you how to take control of your body though deep relaxation and self-hypnosis. The idea is that women, who are majestically engineered to bring babies into this world, can and will experience a pain-free birthing experience because their bodies are so calm and so relaxed. Its been scientifically proven that a main contributor of pain or discomfort is due to mental and physical stress. In addition, the 'fear' emotion releases constrictor hormones which is what causes pain. When a woman is completely relaxed and in control of her emotions and thoughts, endorphins are released and her muscles will be relaxed and left to do what they were created to do, which is of course, giving birth. This book devotes a lot of time explaining why women (and men) get so freaked out about childbirth. Women love to be dramatic. Its what makes us so passionate. The downfall of that though is that we love to share 'horror stories' and we LOVE to elaborate. As a first time momma-to-be, Ive definitely heard my share of "horrific" and "complicated" experiences other women have had. I probably would have been way more freaked, had I not grown up witnessing and assisting natural childbirth. This book literally tells you not to even listen to the stories. The media and the Hollywood rendition of childbirth also aims for the shock factor. But, more often than not, is over-dramatized and highly inaccurate. Again, this book teaches you to not even entertain these stories. Instead, it teaches you to learn from yourself your own natural ability to take control of your body and mind.
Since I have begun reading this book, I have discovered a whole new level of self empowerment and awareness. Just as important, I have developed an actual relationship with the baby growing inside me. I have personally witnessed women giving birth, using the Hypnobirthing method. I can honestly say that this works. In one birth I assisted in, the mom did so well that she didn't even feel the baby moving down. Literally 2 good pushes and the baby was out. My sister-in-law described her birth as pain-free and enjoyable. Also only a few pushes. Many women using this method will describe their experience this way.
This may sound a bit hippie to you, it did to me at first two. But since I have explored this method, I have become more and more excited about the experience Jon and I will have with our childbirth. Read this book. Thumb through it. At the very least, visit their website at The website has a lot of great information and many interesting facts. For example, 15% of women who use the Hypnobirthing method delivered via C-section. The national average of women delivering via C-section not using the method is double that.
The most common question both Jon and I get when we tell people we're choosing a home delivery is "what happens if there is an emergency?" What I have found is that most people don't realize, first, that those cases are extremely rare and second, that a midwife is a highly trained and experienced professional. They know how to recognize problems before its too late and they have the proper equipment to monitor both baby and mother. A midwife follows many safety precautions and the risk is actually very low. Jon and I feel very comfortable with our decision and every couple needs to be, whether its in a home, birthing center or hospital. Wherever you feel most comfortable is where you should be.
Thanks for reading my review, Im gonna jump off my soap box now :)


Lucy said...

wow, awesome review!

Jayson, Kim, and Lotta Carlson said...

bravo, great review! now go read that book 3 more times!! that's what my instructor told me she tells everyone in her class to do. haha... excessive? no way. i am learning so much that i'll be excited to share with you.

Shelly Marie said...

I love you sis! I want to visit SO BAD!!! maybe I can talk mom and dad into getting me that for my b-day! that would be the best present ever!!!