Saturday, January 29, 2011

My 2011 Theme


Ive decided to have a theme this year. After much thought and consideration, Ive decided that my word for 2011 is EMBRACE
When I have a trial, Im going to embrace it. Take the good that I can from it and let the Lord strengthen me.
When I have a rough day with Pax, Im going to embrace the precious moments I have with him. He will be grown up before I know it.
When I have an opportunity to serve, and likewise someone to serve me, I will embrace it.
When Im not dealt the life Ive necessarily asked for, I will embrace every tiny ounce out of that beautiful life that I can because MILLIONS of people have it impossibly harder, or "not-so-perfect" as I do.
I will embrace the many talents and gifts the Lord has given me, and use those talents to strengthen and beautify my home and family.
I will embrace the gospel, my church callings and my faith so that my testimony will increase.
I will embrace the many wonderful blessings the Lord has given me, and I will embrace the blessings to come. 

2011, lets make it a good one!

1 comment:

Our Family said...

Ditto I totally agree! Hope you guys are doing good your little guy is sooo cute!