Friday, March 18, 2011

Shoes! Shoes!

Paz will normally take off his shoes the second he can get away from us long enough to sit down and pull them off. The other day we bought a 4-dollar pair of sandals from Wal-Mart because we needed a cheap pair for him to wear in the backyard. Um, Pax is basically obsessed with them. He wants to wear them all the time, has never once tried to take them off, and brings them to me or Jon saying "shoes, shoes!" all the time to put on him. One of these times was the other morning when he was in just his diaper. He played for quite a while in his dipe and "shoes".


The Chambers said...

HI! I just got caught up on your life the last 10 posts or so. Sounds like a lot has been going on. Hope all is well. You are so cute and little Pax is quite the looker!

Unknown said...

he is such a dolly! And getting so big!