We bought him a rock-a-stack the other day! Jon has been wanting to get one since Paxton was in the womb and since Kohls was having a sale, we decided now would be as good a time as ever to introduce him to a toy that both Jon and I played with when we were babies! At first he didnt really get it, but a few minutes in, we realized that he had pulled them all off and stuck one on each foot! So cute :)
-he finally broke a 3rd tooth. This one took a LONG time.
-his hair is getting so thick and long and RED now that he's sitting up most of the time
-he's learning how to self-soothe when he wakes up in the middles of the night. (that might be my most favorite accomplishment!)
-his poor little eyelid is still itchy and red. Anyone know how to keep a baby from rubbing his eye?
-he loves real food and isnt too fond of baby food. Im starting to steam and mash veggies rather than buy the store bought baby stuff.
-he loves wrestling around with his daddy. He loves playing games with daddy. He loves looking at daddy. Did I mention his daddy is his favorite person?
-Pax is a spastic baby. He hyperventilates when he gets excited, he clenches up and shakes.
-He twirls his feet pretty much all the time, but crazy fast when he's excited about something.
-If Pax is in our bed in the morning and Jon is sleeping, Pax will lean in towards him and grunt until Jon opens his eyes and plays back
-He loves to click his tongue and twist his tongue while yelling happily!