Tuesday, April 7, 2009

The Miracle of Birth

On Sunday evening, I had the privilege of helping with something truly miraculous. My mother, who has been a midwife for several years, asked me to assist her on a birth. Although it had been a few years since I had last accompanied her, I was exited and ready to help. We arrived at the home (my mom is a home-birth midwife) and began setting up. Before I hardly knew it, the action started. I did my best to do everything that was needed and remain calm and collected but let me tell you something about childbirth: never in your whole life, will you ever witness something so wonderful, so miraculous. I paused momentarily as the head came through and, with light tears in my eyes, said a quiet prayer to my Heavenly Father. What seemed like half a second later, that precious little boy entered this world. Beautiful and perfect, all 8lbs 7oz of him began to move and breathe. Even after witnessing several births, it still takes my breath away. Childbirth, in its most natural state and womanhood in its fullest capacity... I dont even have words to describe it. Im just thankful that I am able to be be a part of it. In fact, my mom got a call from one of her other clients and her water broke so it wont be long until I get to do it again!