Paxton is 6 months old, a whole and-a-half. Can you believe that? I cant! I have a baby who sits by himself and, drum roll please...... has a tooth!

I included a close up and the original picture because I happen to think that both are cute and worth sharing :)
Lets see, what is the update on Paxton...
Well, we've continued to try various foods to see how he likes them, and he does NOT! Pax absolutely wants nothing to do with any substance in his mouth that is not breast milk. He is a milk baby through and through. We even bought one of the mesh food rings and he just wasnt having it. Dear Pax: please start liking real food soon. I promise to continue breastfeeding you, but honestly, I wouldnt mind the help :)
Oh and to name a few other things (for the sake of not forgetting them later on)
-he is absolutely loving being naked lately. He gets especially excited during diaper changes
-he has the WORST gas ever! Im not kidding, this kid stinks. He always has, but I dont think Ive ever noted it :)
-he giggles after he sneezes. Every time. He loves it!
-he learned how to press his lips together and vibrate/spit through them. He does it all the time.
-he learned that if he sticks his tongue out when Im giving him medicine that I cant get it in his mouth
-he loves to yell in church. Not in a sad way; its an adorable, happy LOUD yell and it makes a lot of heads turn
-he's not sleeping through the night anymore. I miss that. Teething kinda threw him off a little and Im hoping that it will get back to normal again soon.
-he has a little friend named Hudson who he absolutely adores. Hudson is a baby a little bit younger than Pax and he loves to just watch him
-he has started grabbing his feet ALL the time and even manages to get them in his mouth once in a while
Its been so much fun having this little guy around. He's been such a wonderful addition to our family. To most people, he is a chubby serious baby who loves to stare. To Jon and I, he is a heavy, happy baby who squeals and babbles at 6am rather than cry and who loves nothing more than to snuggle up with one of us. While we do get a very serious-faced baby, we very often get smiles and giggles that melt our hearts. He has such a sweet little boy!
He is SO cute! I'm in love with his cheeks!
oh my goodness he is adorable!!
he is so adorable, we miss him! Get a picture of him and his buddy, you will be glad later!
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