Yesterday was Jon's very first Father's Day. I woke up early, well, actually I woke up kinda late. I was supposed to wake up at 6, shower and get ready for our 9am church and then get breakfast and everything ready and then wake up Jon, but I woke up at 7 and we were a tad bit late to church. Oh well, I will try again next year. Anyway, Jon's special day started out with sleeping in (that is one of the best things him and I do for
each other these days). I made him an amazingly tasty sausage gravy and biscuit breakfast, put a few gifts on the table, dressed
Pax in a I Love Dad outfit, put up the banner I made(its not the best looking so
don't judge me. Drawing letters freehand is NOT one of my strong points) and woke him up with a kiss from both of us.

I wanted to make this day as special as possible since Jon will only have his "1st" Fathers Day once. So, I got him a #1 Dad shirt and stamped it with Paxton's footprints.

Um, mixing paint and a 6month old spells disaster, by-the-way. I was amazed at how fast paint got from the bottom of his feet to his mouth. It was a stressful couple of minutes making sure he
didn't eat any of the paint, but it was well worth it. It will be fun to look at the shirt some day and remember how tiny
Pax's feet were :)

Jon requested ham and funeral potatoes, one of his favorite dinners, but sadly I just
wasn't feeling up to cooking. I have been dealing with the stomach flu all weekend and Jon even started getting symptoms. I was glad I had made his dessert earlier in the day though because it was to DIE FOR! Pretty easy to make, extremely hard not to eat and eat! I bought a box of
ice cream sandwiches, crushed up some
oreas, drizzled some fudge and put it all together. It was the tastiest
ice cream cake we have ever had, and it cost under $10 dollars!

Anyway, all the food and crafty gifts in the world cant really come close to expressing my gratitude and love for my husband. He does so much for me and Paxton. He is up in the middle of the night with the baby just as much as I am, he changes the diapers whenever it needs to be done, he takes the trash out in a rain storm, he does the dishes after working all day... and all with a smile on his face. I have never met such a self-less person and I definitely never thought I would be so lucky as to marry someone so amazing. I love you Jon! I am the luckiest wife in the whole world and Paxton is the luckiest baby. You take such good care of both of us. Happy Fathers Day!
that cake looks yummy! So I found a pretty sweet blog I think you might be interested in http://ilovememphisblog.com/, I found it off of this blog http://www.designspongeonline.com/2010/06/memphis-guide.html.
check it out! i am so jealous I want one for nashville
I thought about you guys last weekend, and it being Jon's first Father's Day. It seems like you are both such great parents. Paxton is a lucky guy.
I really love the picture of Paxton with paint on his feet. He is really growing!
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