Monday, February 28, 2011

Business in front, Party in the back

Somehow, our little Paxton has managed to grow and maintain an awesome mullet, pretty much since he was about a month old. Below is "The Hair" in its early development stages. I kept thinking it would fall out, like the rest of his hair did, but no. Those hairs had stayin' power!

Here's "The Hair" Sunday morning, just before I CUT IT!!!! (Im still having sad, remorseful feelings about parting with his baby hair).

I have been back and forth for 2 months now about cutting his nasty, adorable mullet off.  It didn't help that every time my brother (who has a 2 year old mulletless boy of his own) saw him he would call him one of the many great mullet nicknames; achey-breaky-hair, hockey hair, ape drape, Kentucky waterfall, Canadian passport, mudflap, Camero cut, Tennessee top hat, neck warmer.... the list goes on and on... who knew he was so up on his mullcabulary!!!! The final straw was last week when Jon and I took Pax to the mall. He was playing in the toddler play area and two Hispanic ladies were waving at him and smiling. Then, in Spanish, and BLATANTLY loud, one of the women says to the other "Is that a boy or a girl?" and the other replied "its a girl, just look at that hair". Well, little did they know, my husband (who speaks fluent Spanish) overheard them. Ugh, any mother will sympathize with me on this one. We all know its an honest mistake. We all know its often hard to tell a boy baby from a girl baby. But DANG IT, it TICKS US OFF still when people get it wrong. Of course he's a BOY cant you SEE?????


And here it is now. I really miss his hair. He looks so much older now. Oh well, it'll grow back, right?
Anyway, am I really supposed to keep his hair that I cut off? And what the heck do I do with it? Mommas and Pappas, what did you do?


Jayson, Kim, and Lotta Carlson said...

awww he was so good for you while you cut it! can't believe how looooong it was. wow! i have no idea what you do with that hair but i have some that my mom saved of mine in my baby book.

Nat said...

Oh I love him in his adorable mulletousness. Maybe that's cuz my kids suck at growing hair. :) Good job with his haircut. Can't wait to see you guys!!!!

Tina said...

He is adorable either way, but I have to admit I like the "little man" look of a shorter haircut. Then silly people (who think they are being sneaky by speaking another language) won't make any more mistakes.