Yesterday, January 25, Jon and I celebrated our 2 year anniversary. Wow, two years. Really? Has it been two years already? If we
didnt have so much to show for those two years, I would never believe that its been that long. But we've moved 6 times, got two puppies(now adult dogs), traveled all over the country, gained weight and lost hair :) and of course, had a baby. Put into that perspective, 2 years seems about right.
Jon, my sweet romantic darling of mine, got up early while I was still asleep and surprised me with these beautiful roses.

Later that day we cooked a delicious dinner together (having a new baby means eating at home usually). He grilled steaks to perfection and I threw together some tasty side dishes. Paxton must have known it was our special day because he fell asleep the minute dinner was ready. We even got our fine china out for the first time and used it! So much better and romantic than any restaurant.

After that Jon packed me and
Pax up in the truck and surprised me with a romantic night under the stars (did I mention the romantic mood Jon set throughout the day!). He drove us to "our spot" which is the top of a parking garage that
isnt in use any more. He had a mattress in the back and plenty of pillows and blankets. He opened his laptop and played a
slide show of pictures from the last two years, starting with our wedding day and ending with pictures of us+baby. He had the
slideshow playing with the song "We're so far away" by Mae and I BAWLED!
Im going to see if I can put it on the blog.

Anyway, after the cry-fest, we popped a movie in and watched it under the stars. The night was perfect, the whole day was perfect and the past two years have been perfect.
Disclaimer! The following is gushy, sappy, and unnecessarily lovey-dovey. Read on if you wish, but dont say I didnt warn you!Jon, I love you so so much. Ive never had words adequate enough to express the love I have for you.
"Did you know how you would move me? When was the night that showed us the sign? Revealed in the sky, to leave all behind. But where to begin? throwing caution to the wind, We reached for the stars, everything was now ours."Just like the lyrics of the song we danced to at our wedding,
"you have stolen my heart". Babe, I never saw you coming. You snuck up on me, pulled the rug out from under my feet, caught me in your arms and stole my heart.
"I was born to tell you that I love you". Before I met you, I spent so many days and night feeling empty, sad, confused, lonely. It
wasnt until that night we met that I realized my life was missing you. Since that night, Ive never felt that way. Instead I feel loved, special, beautiful and happy. You have filled my life with so much meaning. As cliche' as it sounds, I honestly never knew happiness like what I am with you. You showed me what life could be and then you gave it to me. You are my very best friend. You are the love of my life. Remember all the times people said
"give it awhile. You wont like each other so much once you've been married awhile" or when they said
"you dont fight now, but the honeymoon will be over soon"? Well babe, we proved them wrong! And I know we'll continue to prove them wrong because there
isnt a day that does by that I
dont know just how lucky I am to have you. I love you Jonathan Hall. I'll love you for all eternity and back.
Happy anniversary love!